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Questions before Applying

Q:  What are my chances?

Competition is stiff. In the internal competition for INT matched funding, Cambridge receives about 6 applications for each offer available; competition is fiercest in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences.

Cambridge typically submits about 50 applications a year to the national competition. Leverhulme received approximately 700 applications and made 147 national awards for 2024-25 - of these, 23 will be coming up to Cambridge.

Q:  Can I apply through more than one host institution at Cambridge?

Yes, you can apply through more than one University of Cambridge Host Institutions but if both Host Institutions put you forward for the internal competition, you will be asked which you want to go forwards with – you can’t make more than one application to the national competition. 

Q:  Can I apply to more than one University?

Yes, but again, if you get selected by more than one University to go through to the national competition, you will need to choose which to accept before applying to the national round – you can’t make more than one application to the national competition.

Q:  Will I be fully funded?

Leverhulme Trust pays 50% of the salary costs up to £28k in any one year, plus a modest research allowance. The Isaac Newton Trust provides matching funding for successful applicants to Cambridge for salary costs only up to a maximum of £28k pa. Note that this means your starting salary will be limited to the lower end of the postdoc range (up to salary point 44) unless you can find additional funding from other sources to make up the difference.

Q:  I was unsuccessful last year – can apply again this year?

Yes, if you feel your case has been strengthened by your experience since last applying.

Q:  I am currently (or have held) a stipendiary JRF at a Cambridge/Oxford College - am I eligible to apply?

No, sorry.

Q:  I currently (or have held) a NON-stipendiary JRF at a Cambridge/Oxford College - am I eligible to apply?

Yes, possibly. Whether you are eligible depends on the nature of the job that pays your salary.  You will need to check this with the Leverhulme Trust to be absolutely sure. A non-stipendiary JRF is not a job but more like an honorarium, so make sure that is very clear in your application. 


Questions after the Competition Results have been Announced

Q:  I have been awarded an LECF at another University – can I transfer it to Cambridge?

No, at least not now. Leverhulme has very strict rules about transfers and will not agree to transfers before you take up the award nor normally within the first year of tenure. Transfers normally require the university to which you want to transfer to make you a job offer. This normally only happens after you have been in post for some time.

Q:  I was offered INT support for the LECF but I was unsuccessful at the national round – can I transfer my INT offer to another fellowship?

No the INT award can only be activated if you are successful at the LEF national competition as it is not transferable to another fellowship for yourself, nor to another person.

Q:  I was successful in the LECF national round but have also been offered another fellowship at Cambridge, which I would prefer to take  – can I transfer my INT LECF support to the other fellowship?

No, the INT award is not transferable. However, if the other fellowship falls short of the full salary costs required, you can apply to the INT for fellowship support in one of our research grant rounds held termly.


Questions after taking up your LECF Award

See:  Leverhulme Trust’s Terms and Conditions

Q:  I have been appointed to a lectureship and need to resign from my LECF - what do I need to do?

Congratulations! Inform both the Leverhulme Trust and the INT right away, giving the last date on which you will be a LECF.

AND ask your institutional administrator to contact the Research Office to close your INT LECF account on that date and settle up with any refunds due to the Isaac Newton Trust  for unused salary contributions already invoiced.

Q:  Can I transfer my INT matching funding for a Leverhulme ECF to another institution in the UK?

No - each host institution is responsible for raising its own matching funding

Q:  Can I transfer the LECF award I currently hold at another UK institution to Cambridge? Will INT provide the required matching funding?

Please consult the Leverhulme Trust in the first instance. If they agree, you need the consent of your current institution and you must be accepted in principle by a Cambridge host institution. INT is happy to help you with this, so please consult the Trust Administrator before making plans. Normally, if all parties agree, INT will accept responsibility for matching funding.

Q:  What is the INT's policy on parental leave?

The Leverhulme will cover 50% of the additional net costs during the period of leave and the Isaac Newton Trust will match the Leverhulme's contribution. Please make sure you:

  • inform Leverhulme Trust as soon as it is known that parental leave is needed
  • send INT a copy of the response of the Leverhulme Trust to your request and an estimate of the amount needed (consult your Host Institution's administrator); AND
  • send a copy of the email from Leverhulme confirming the amount as soon as it is available (this may be after leave has been completed.)

Q:  Does Leverhulme provide sick pay?

No.  See the Leverhulme Trust's information on sick pay

Q:  Does Leverhulme provide redundancy pay at the end of the three-year award?

LECFs are eligible for statutory redundancy payments; these are costed at the end of the award - see Leverhulme Trust's information on redundancy payments.  Leverhulme and INT will normally both contribute.

Q:  Can I apply for funding for training?

Yes - The Leverhulme Trust offers training support for its Fellows.  The INT does not offer training support.


INT Funding Rounds

For Research Grants:

Lent: 10 January 2025

Easter: 25 April 2025

Michaelmas: 25 September 2025


For Research Grants in the Humanities:

Collection-based Research in the Humanities

Application Deadline: 10 January 2025

Project Completion Grants for Mid-Career Researchers in Humanities

Application Deadline: 10 January 2025


For Colleges:

Academic Career Development Fellowships

Colleges and Departments interested in making partnerships should contact the Director at the earliest opportunity. 
Partnerships should be agreed in Lent Term and no later than 21 February 2025

Widening Participation & Induction Fund

Next application deadline: 31 January 2025 

Junior Research Fellowship Programme

Next application deadline: 09 May 2025


For Early Career Fellows:

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships 2025

Application deadline: candidates’ applications must reach the University's Research Operations Office by 18 February 2025 in order to submit an application to the Leverhulme Trust no later than 20 February 4pm 2025. Please consult your departmental Research Grant Administrator for additional guidance regarding this internal deadline

Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 03 July 2025

Thursday 20 November 2025

Information about INT