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During the Award

You should spend your WPIF award within 12 months. This is to keep the funds flowing through the rounds, not tied up for years. Flexibility is allowed for grants that can't be spent within a year of being awarded. This may be due to the seasonality of WPIF activities. 

Please let us know if you need to arrange for a short extension at point of application, offer, confirmation or post award. If your event must take place over more than one year from the award start date, we may accommodate it. Please contact us as soon as possible to discuss your project.

Any project funded by this grant must credit the Isaac Newton Trust in all promotional materials. They should use the Trust's logo if possible.

After the Award

Return any funds remaining after the grant end date to the INT. They will be used for other WPIF projects.

Final Reports

Each College must report back to the INT. They should evaluate the project funded by their award. This report may be shared with other Colleges and the wider University. They are involved in outreach and induction work and may want to do similar projects in the future. A key goal of the Fund is to share these reports with those working to widen participation in the Collegiate University. So, your report will be on our website once your project ends.

What to include in your final report:

  • Your final report does not need to exceed 2 to 3 pages of A4. If you submit a longer report, please also submit a summary of no more than 2 pages of A4.
  • A financial statement that shows which costs the grant covered.
  • Statistics on the participants and their experiences.
  • A review of how others might learn from your experience. It should include an account of what worked and what did not.

Looking for inspiration? You can find examples of previous project reports on our website.

To apply for future WPIF grants, you must submit a final report.

INT Funding Rounds

For Research Grants:

Easter: 28 April 2025

Michaelmas: 25 September 2025

Lent: 9 January 2026


For Colleges:

Academic Career Development Fellowships

Colleges and Departments interested in making partnerships should contact the Director at the earliest opportunity. 
Partnerships should be agreed in Lent Term and no later than 21 February 2025

Widening Participation & Induction Fund

Next application deadline: 16 May 2025 

Junior Research Fellowship Programme

Next application deadline: 09 May 2025


For Early Career Fellows:

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships 2025

Application deadline: candidates’ applications must reach the University's Research Operations Office by 18 February 2025 in order to submit an application to the Leverhulme Trust no later than 20 February 4pm 2025. Please consult your departmental Research Grant Administrator for additional guidance regarding this internal deadline

Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 03 July 2025

Thursday 20 November 2025

Information about INT