Early Career Matched Funding
The Isaac Newton Trust is proud to be able to provide partial salary support for post-doctoral researchers who have secured Early Career Fellowships in a number of prestigious competitions. Foremost among these awards are:
- INT Academic Career Development Fellowships in Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
- Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships
- INT/College Junior Research Fellowships (up to 2 Stipendiary and 2 Non-Stipendiary a year)
Other Fellowship support from INT
For Early Career Researchers who have secured or are applying for fellowship funding, they may also apply under the Fellowship Support scheme if additional funding is needed.
The INT also supports Post Doctoral Research Associates through Research Grants and research programmes jointly funded with the Schools of the University.
Please note that the INT cannot contribute to match-funding for Wellcome Trust Interdisciplinary Junior Fellowships for which the matching funds must come from the host department.
In addition to providing the necessary financial support, the Trust aims to provide a sense of belonging to a wider group of Cambridge researchers through the INT Fellows’ Association.