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Isaac Newton Trust


The Director informs candidates of the outcome within a few days of the meeting. Brief feedback is offered to unsuccessful applicants. The Trust does not release referees' reports.

Formal offer letters are issued within two weeks providing an INT reference number which should be quoted in any subsequent correspondence; standard Terms & Conditions are attached to these letters.

Our offers are normally conditional: conditions specific to this grant will be set out in the offer letter.

Once these specific conditions are met, the grant can be confirmed. Normally, the conditions refer to external funding, appointment of an RA and/or submission of a PhD.  Documentary evidence in the form of a copy of the grant letter (for example) should be sent to the Trust (e-mails attaching scanned documents are acceptable). Grants that have not been confirmed within 2 years of the offer will, without the specific agreement of the Trustees, lapse automatically.

Confirmation letters are sent to the applicant and his/her Department and to the Research Support Manager for the relevant School at the Research Office.

Research grants are normally set up and managed by the Research Office, in collaboration with the Department/ institution finance office – the INT does not manage the grant.

An invoice can be submitted to the Trust on receipt of the confirmation letter unless the start date is some distance into the future. Where the grant is for more than one year, only one year’s grant will be paid at a time and no more than one invoice will be paid per grant per INT financial year (July-June).

FAQs - Offers

Do Trustees always offer the amount sought?

No, the Trustees sometimes offer less  - for a variety of reasons. A main reason for not providing everything asked for is that the limited resources of the Trust are stretched as far as the Trustees can manage without fatally harming the chances of applicants offered less than the full amount. Sometimes Trustees will question whether other sources of potential funding have been tapped to the full and will make a partial offer that should enable the recipient to make a bid to other sources and improve the chances of success.

How long have I got to meet the conditions/start the award?

Offers are valid for 2 years from the date of the offer letter but lapse automatically after that.

Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 21 November 2024

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 10 July 2025


Information about INT