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Isaac Newton Trust


The Trustees of the Isaac Newton Trust are delighted to offer support for up to two stipendiary Junior Research Fellowships (JRFs) per annum in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to enable Colleges for whom the full cost of a JRF would be prohibitive, but who may have access to partial funding, to bring together the funds needed to recruit for and elect a Junior Research Fellow.

The Trustees also offer one or two awards per annum to enable eligible colleges to appoint to non-stipendiary fellowships post-doctoral researchers holding fully funded fellowships in the sciences.  

Please note:

  • Newton Trust JRF awards are made to Colleges, and are not made direct to the Fellow subsequently selected by the College;
  • the Isaac Newton Trust does not accept applications direct from prospective JRFs;
  • the Trust plays no part in the selection of Fellows; the selection is made by the College advertising the post. 
  • INT cannot provide research expenses for College JRFs 

What the Trust provides:

  • eligible Colleges whose applications for stipendiary awards are successful will be offered a flat-rate contribution of £20,000 per annum towards a Junior Research Fellowship, for up to three years;
  • stipendiary fellowships should be advertised in the range of subjects falling within the general area of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • for non-stipendiary fellowships in sciences, the Trust offers a flat rate of £3,000 per annum towards the costs associated with a fellowship.


Eligible colleges 

Conditions and Payment Arrangements

Advertising the Fellowship

Application Procedure

Isaac Newton Trust/College JRF Application Form

Personal Data Consent Form for INT Fellows

​​​​​​Eligibility Cycles for ACDFs (with or without supplement and INT JRF Awards

Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 21 November 2024

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 10 July 2025


Information about INT