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Isaac Newton Trust


Application Process

Step 1:  Institution deadline: All applications are submitted through the applicant’s Head of Faculty/Department (Project, Emergency and Fellowship) or through the Chair of School/Pro Vice Chancellor (Strategic).

Step 2:  Submission of draft applications to the INT

Step 3:  Feedback from INT

Step 4:  Submission of final applications to INT (strictly applied at 5pm on the date shown)

Step 5:  INT takes up references

Step 6:  All decisions are made at Trustee meetings, which happen once a term on the dates given below. Applications cannot be considered between meetings.

Application Timetable

ROUNDS Easter 2024 Michaelmas 2024 Lent 2025
Strategic Grants Final Round   Preliminary Round
Research Project Grants   Yes  
Emergency Grants Yes Yes Yes
Fellowship Support Grants Yes Yes Yes
Submission of draft applications to Head of Department/Faculty/School 19-Apr-24 20-Sep-24 03-Jan-25
Deadline for submission of draft e-applications to INT 26-Apr-24 27-Sep-24 10-Jan-25
Deadline for submission of FINAL e-applications to INT 10-May-24 11-Oct-24 24-Jan-25
Trustees' Award Meeting 11-Jul-24 21-Nov-24 13-Mar-25
Outcome Announced                                    18-Jul-24 28-Nov-24 20-Mar-25


Application Format

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Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 21 November 2024

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 10 July 2025


Information about INT