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Isaac Newton Trust


Our Charitable Status

The Isaac Newton Trust was established by Trinity College in 1988, initially as an exempt charity as a connected institution of the College and then, under the Charities Act 2011, as a connected institution of the University of Cambridge. 

The Charity is governed by its Trustees, who are all senior academic members of the University, under a constitution set out in the Trust Deed.  The Annual Report and Accounts are submitted to the Charity Commission and to the Council of Trinity College; copies of these documents for the past seven years are published here.

The Trust is administered on a day-to-day basis by the Director and her staff.

Our Charitable Objectives

‘provision of grants loans and other assistance to individuals faculties departments or other institutions in the University with the object of promoting assisting and furthering education learning and research in the University……and otherwise than in the University if it is deemed ancillary or complementary to education learning or research in the University’. [Trust Deed para 1.2.1]

Where our income comes from

The Isaac Newton Trust has, since 1988, received a generous annual donation from Trinity College.  Accumulated unspent income from the early years was invested; all our investments are currently held in the Cambridge University Endowment Fund and returns on these currently provide about 12% of our total income.  We also receive a small proportion of our income from shares in the exploitation of intellectual property through agreements with Cambridge Enterprise.

The Trust does not fund-raise, but we are pleased to receive donations via Trinity College’s Alumni Relations & Development Office.

Trustees, Officers & Sub-Committees

Trust Governance

Our Awards



Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 21 November 2024

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 10 July 2025


Information about INT