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  1. the College can demonstrate that the Research Fellowship cannot otherwise be afforded (the Trust does not offer partial funding for an existing Fellowship that a College has routinely funded in full from general endowment);
  2. the College has either secured sufficient funding to supply the rest of the cost or it will use the Trust’s offer to seed fundraising efforts for the remainder of the costs (in the latter case, the Trust’s offer will be conditional on the College providing evidence of matching funding having been secured before the JRF can be advertised; if this condition is not met within two years of the date of the Trust’s offer, the offer will lapse);
  3. the Fellowship may be advertised in any subject falling within the accepted scope of ‘Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences’. Note, however, that these JRFs cannot be used with the primary aim of filling teaching or directing needs in the College.  If this is the primary aim, then an Academic Career Development Fellowship (ACDF) would be more suitable;   
  4. the Research Fellow will normally have the opportunity to teach for up to four hours per week while in Cambridge; however, the teaching arrangement is not a requirement of the Trust and should not be a binding contractual agreement;
  5. any teaching would be remunerated by the College separately - please note that the INT does not help with supervision payments (see ‘College Eligibility’ concerning those Colleges with limited or no requirement for undergraduate teaching);
  6. if the Fellow leaves before the end of his/her tenure, the College should inform the Trust immediately; the Trust will reclaim unused contributions pro rata;
  7. any variation sought in the usual terms and conditions (eg parental leave) should be discussed at the earliest opportunity with the Director;
  8. a final report is required at the end of the grant and any unspent INT grant returned to the Trust;
  9. each eligible College may receive INT financial support for one Stipendiary JRF at any one time (ie once a fellowship has been awarded, the College will not be eligible for a second stipendiary award till the present holder has reached the end of his/her tenure, or left the post). Similarly, only one Non-Stipendiary JRF may be held at a time. However, the Trust is happy for a College to hold one JRF of each type simultaneously. Colleges who wish to seek a new JRF appointment of either type may apply to the Trust before the current JRF’s end of tenure.  A College holding a current ACDF may apply for a JRF to overlap with it but may not hold a stipendiary JRF in AHSS subjects in the same year as it receives a supplementary award for an ACDF.  Tables showing possible eligibility cycles for JRFs and ACDFs may be found here.
  10. INT Trustees expect the total value of the package (salary plus benefits such as accommodation/rent bursaries) for stipendiary JRFs to be equivalent to at least the lowest point of the PDRA salary scale (point 39 of the single spine). 
  11. The Trust will pay a proportionate share of the costs of parental leave according to the policy of the College concerned (please contact the Trust).
  12. In the case of a JRF whose tenure has been extended for a year or more through medical or maternity leave, the College may consult the Director to discuss applying for a new JRF to start before the current holder has completed the third funded year.
  13. ‘Isaac Newton’ or ‘Newton’ should appear in the title of the Fellowship; the Trust has no objection to another name (e.g. of a donor) also appearing in the title to indicate a joint award.

Payment Arrangements:

The College should inform the Trust as soon as possible when any condition of matching funding has been met.

The College should inform the Trust when an appointment has been made and a provide a copy of the c.v. of the selected candidate together with a Personal Data Consent Form for INT Fellows.

Once the Fellow has taken up the post, the College should send to the Trust a formal invoice for payment of the first annual contribution.  Only one payment can be made in each financial year, so each subsequent invoice should be sent after 31 October annually.

If a Fellow leaves part-way through an academic year, the Trust will seek a refund of the unused portion of the award pro rata, in the usual way.


INT Funding Rounds

For Research Grants:

Easter: 28 April 2025

Michaelmas: 25 September 2025

Lent: 9 January 2026


For Colleges:

Academic Career Development Fellowships

Colleges and Departments interested in making partnerships should contact the Director at the earliest opportunity. 
Partnerships should be agreed in Lent Term and no later than 21 February 2025

Widening Participation & Induction Fund

Next application deadline: 16 May 2025 

Junior Research Fellowship Programme

Next application deadline: 09 May 2025


For Early Career Fellows:

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships 2025

Application deadline: candidates’ applications must reach the University's Research Operations Office by 18 February 2025 in order to submit an application to the Leverhulme Trust no later than 20 February 4pm 2025. Please consult your departmental Research Grant Administrator for additional guidance regarding this internal deadline

Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 03 July 2025

Thursday 20 November 2025

Information about INT