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Isaac Newton Trust


If you ever have any questions regarding your award, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can also consult our terms and conditions for additional guidance for managing your award.

Final Reports 

Please note that you are expected to provide a final report detailing the outcome of your project once your funding ends. This final report should be completed using the Final Report Template and returned as soon as possible after the end date of your project. If you anticipate a delay in providing this report or have any questions, please let us know as soon as possible. 

The report should provide information, where appropriate, about the following:

  • Confirmation that the full amount of the grant paid by the Trust was used for the purpose originally specified
  • A list of publications and publicity articles resulting from the grant
  • Details of any grants or awards received by the PI or RA as a result of the period of Trust funding
  • The subsequent employment of persons who have been supported by the grant
  • Information about any patents or commercial exploitation of work arising from the grant
  • A summary of the work done and your findings.

Please submit reports to:

The Trust reserves the right to quote from final reports in its Annual Report and on its website, as a measure of the success of the funding programme.

Failure to submit a final report may result in any future application being delayed pending the submission of the missing report.


Successful applicants should acknowledge the grant from the Trust in any publications resulting from work supported by the Trust and display the Trust’s logo wherever appropriate.

Intellectual Property

In the case of grants made to University Departments, the Trust has agreed that its ownership of Intellectual Property Rights will be vested in the University. In return the University will pay the Trust a share of any income arising from the project on an agreed pro rata basis. Payments made by the University to the investigator and his or her Department under its revenue-sharing scheme will be based on the University’s net share of any income. Any negotiations about IPR will be handled by Cambridge Enterprise.

Maternity & Sick Leave

Where the Trust makes a grant for the support of a specific research project, even if that involves contributing to the salary costs of a research associate, the Trust will make no further contribution to cover the costs of any maternity or medical leave, provision for which remains the responsibility of the applicant's own institution. The Trustees will however consider applications for no-cost extensions to accommodate parental or sick leave.

For Research fellowships: yes, the Trust will pay its proportionate share of the costs of maternity and medical leave according to the policy of the partner institution or funding body.


Repayment of all or part of the grant may be required by the Trust if the conditions attaching to the grant have not been fulfilled.

Unspent Funds

At the end of the grant, any unspent grant funds are returned to the Trust for the benefit of future applicants. Funds left over at the end of the grant should be returned to the Trust, where it will be recycled into new grants.

Variation of Terms

Any request for a variation of terms arising during the grant, such as a no-cost extension or an RA leaves, must be discussed in advance with the Director. The Trustees will not normally entertain requests for an increase in the amount of grants, but will consider a case for making a no-cost extension where the project has been held up for good reason.

If the start of the grant is delayed and salary costs increase as a result, the INT cannot increase its grant to cover this. The amount of the INT grant is fixed at the outset and cannot be increase in the event of unforeseen salary increases.


The Director should be consulted before viring funds between different cost headings of the grant; no more than 10% of the grant may be vired in this way.


INT Funding Rounds

For Research Grants:

Lent: 10 January 2025

Easter: 25 April 2025


For Research Grants in the Humanities

Collection-based Research in the Humanities

Application Deadline: 10 January 2025

Project Completion Grants for Mid-Career Researchers in Humanities

Application Deadline: 10 January 2025


For Colleges:

Academic Career Development Fellowships

Colleges and Departments interested in making partnerships should contact the Director at the earliest opportunity. 
Partnerships should be agreed in Lent Term and no later than 21 February 2025

Widening Participation & Induction Fund

Next application deadline: 31 January 2025 

Junior Research Fellowship Programme

Next application deadline: 09 May 2025


For Early Career Fellows:

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships 2025

Application deadline: candidates’ applications must reach the University's Research Operations Office by 18 February 2025 in order to submit an application to the Leverhulme Trust no later than 20 February 4pm 2025

Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 03 July 2025

Thursday 20 November 2025

Information about INT