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WPIF funding should normally be spent within 12 months of the award being made, the intention being to keep the funds flowing freely through the rounds rather than being tied up across years. However, some flexibility is allowed where grants cannot be spent within the year that they are awarded, given the seasonality of WPIF activities.  Please let us know if you need to arrange for a short extension at point of application, offer, confirmation or post award.  If any funding remains after the project has been completed, it should be returned to the INT.

Successful applications will be listed on the INT website.

Projects supported by a grant from this fund are asked to acknowledge the support of the Isaac Newton Trust in any promotional material and should use the Trust’s logo where possible.

Any funds that are not used should be returned to INT at the end of the grant.


Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 21 November 2024

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 10 July 2025


Information about INT