The Isaac Newton Trustees have completed their triennial review of funding priorities 2019.
All INT funding programmes were under review and Trustees have agreed some major changes to our programmes, so our terms and/or the details of eligibility have changed.
The main changes are as follows:
Project, Emergency and Equipment Grants
- These categories have been considered separately over the past three years, but Trustees have now agreed that they should be recombined into a single ‘Research Grant’ category covering applications for research project support, as well as for short-term emergency bridging/underwriting support pending the start of a new grant. We have amended our application coversheet to make arrangements for emergency applications clearer.
- It will be possible to include small items of equipment or access charges as part of these grants, but there will not be further support for the purchase of large items of equipment.
- The maximum value of a Research Grant in 2019-20 will be £30k.
- Applications will be considered in a gathered field in one round per annum, in Michaelmas Term (this being the term in which the majority of applications have been received in recent years);
- However, applications for emergency bridging/underwriting can be in any of the three Terms, according to the normal timetable.
Strategic grants
- Over the past three years, a planned mobilisation of unspent income has allowed Trustees to make four or five large grants per annum. These extra resources have now been exhausted.
- We will continue to issue an annual call, for outline applications to be submitted in LENT Term (not Michaelmas) for selection for full applications in Easter Term
- The total budget for these awards has been reduced to £500k, so at most one or two grants are likely to be made, each for no more than £500k.
INT/College Junior Research Fellowships
- In addition to contributing to one or two stipendiary JRFs per annum, Trustees have also agreed to offer one or two awards per annum to enable eligible colleges to appoint non-stipendiary science post-doctoral researchers holding fully funded fellowships.
- Eligibility is to be limited to those Colleges which have been assessed as exempt from making a Contribution to the University under Statute G, Chapter II.
CTO Research Leave
- Eligibility is to be limited to those Colleges which have been assessed as exempt from making a Contribution to the University under Statute G, Chapter II.
Other changes will be notified via the website as the details are finalised.