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Isaac Newton Trust


Calling INT Fellows!

The Isaac Newton Trust is delighted to invite you to present a brief synopsis of your research to a diverse, non-specialist and supportive audience at our Isaac Newton Trust Fellows' Event to be held at the Postdoc Centre @ Eddington on Friday 26 May in the morning.  Presentations will be ten minutes long (to include three minutes for questions & answers) and include a maximum of five slides.

We are looking forward to hearing about how your research is progressing, especially those of you who have already been in Cambridge for a year.  If you have started your Fellowship this academic year, you might like to attend but give a presentation at an INT Fellows' Event in the future.

The event will begin at 9.45 am with tea & coffee and will end after a buffet lunch at 2.00 pm. You will have the opportunity to meet and talk about your research with other Isaac Newton Trust Fellows, some of our Trustees, and the Trust's Administrative Team.

For further information contact the Trust Administrator.


INT Fellows' Garden Party July 2022

We are delighted that we have been able to meet again in person! After two years of COVID restrictions, we have finally managed to hold the Trinity Garden Party. The Master of Trinity, Prof Dame Sally Davies, and the Chairman of the INT, Prof Frank Kelly, hosted a really lovely event on the ‘Bowling Green’ at Trinity College, surrounded by beautiful gardens.


Perhaps the best thing about this event was the way it gave Fellows a chance to meet each other in person and share stories ranging from progress in research, through sorting out childcare, to advising each other on how to deal with ERC grant applications. We hope to make Garden Parties a regular feature of the INT Fellows’ Association, perhaps visiting different Colleges.

We understand that you will all have a lot of catching up to do after COVID and the last thing you probably need is to take time out for a presentation of your work, but we hope very much to get another Fellows’ event into the diary for early in 2023.  This will give you a chance to welcome the new INT Fellows and some of those in their third year will be invited to give a brief description of their work (10 mins, 10 slides). You can find the programme from the pre-COVID events below.

Previous INT Fellows' Events

We have held two events so far, at the Postdoc Centre, Eddington, at which second and third-year INT Fellows presented their amazingly diverse research projects (ten minutes, five slides talks) and networked with new Fellows. Follow the links below to see the programmes:

Programme for INT Fellows' Event 2019

Programme for INT Fellows' Day 2018





Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 21 November 2024

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 10 July 2025


Information about INT