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The usual route for obtaining references is for the INT to obtain the names and contact details of three referees from the Head of the host institution via the Head of Department’s support form as follows:

Independent Peer Reviewers

  • three experts from outside the Department/Faculty
  • at least two of which should be from outside the University
  • who should not have been a supervisor for a PhD of any member of the application team
  • who should not have been co-authors of papers, co-editors of projects, or co-applicants for grants with any member of the application team during the last five years

The applicant should not provide references from these individuals; the INT will take up the references direct.

For Research Project Grants, the INT will accept up to two reviews of the SAME project from an application to a UKRI or other major funding body, in the place of two references. These should be submitted with the application.

Strategic Grants

References are not required for Strategic Grants at the preliminary application stage. The INT Director will discuss the requirements for final applications with successful applicants.

Reference Confidentiality

References remain confidential to the Trustees and will be destroyed after the decision has been made whether or not to fund the application.

See also:  Personal Data

Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 21 November 2024

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 10 July 2025


Information about INT