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About the project:

What do we need to do to demonstrate the project’s academic excellence?

Please set out the extent to which you have consulted with subject specialists in the relevant Department or Faculty, where appropriate.

Can we make an application which develops a project already funded by INT’s WPIF?

Yes – make it clear in what ways the project has learned from and builds on the previous project.

About salary costs:

Can we claim for staff salary costs?

Yes – you can claim for new posts dedicated to the project and for back-filling of posts where existing postholders are undertaking new duties for the project on a temporary basis.  You cannot claim costs for staff whose jobs already include the duties described in the application or where no new staff costs are involved.

Which salary pay-scale should I use for student mentoring and teaching roles?

We expect pay for supporting staff to be in line with an appropriate existing pay scale. We appreciate that comparitors may vary between Colleges, so please explain why he one you have selected is appropriate for the project.

About other costs:

Will WPIF cover student travel costs to outreach events?

INT’s WPIF Sub-Committee recognise that the cost of travel to outreach events can be a factor for some potential participants.  We feel it is important to diversify the field of attendees at events, to attract more students from regions currently under-represented at Cambridge and to enable those students with serious financial concerns to benefit from the opportunities offered by Cambridge Colleges. 

Colleges are encouraged to apply for support for student travel to outreach events.  Where funds are limited, priority may be given to projects with the intention of encouraging applicants who might not otherwise consider Cambridge;  this would include providing support to the most disadvantaged students from College Link Areas ahead of University Open Days.

Applications can be made solely for support with travel costs or these can be included as a part of the costs for a WPIF project.

What rates should we use for participant residential fees?

Please use the lowest student/internal rates as appropriate to widening participation (not external or corporate rates).

Will WPIF cover college room-hire costs?

Not normally – the Sub-Committee expects these costs to be covered or waived by the College unless there is a good reason why this cannot be the case.

Will WPIF support participant travel costs to and from events?

Yes – we appreciate the importance of supporting travel costs for participants (and their family members, if required). We expect that, where travel costs are included in the grant, awards will be available to all who need them.

After the award:

We haven’t used all the funds we have been awarded – what should we do?

You should return any funds remaining after the grant end date to the INT so that they can be used for other WPIF projects.

Our event takes place/continues more than a year from the award start date – can our award end date be extended beyond 12 months?

Yes – this is possible, but you do need to INT to do this.

How long should the final report be?

Your final report does not need to exceed 2 or 3 pages of A4. If you submit a longer report, please also submit a summary of no more than 2 pages of A4. 

What does the final report need to include?

Please include: basic statistics relating to the participants and their experience; an assessment of how others might learn from your experience, including an account of what worked and what did not; a financial statement that shows the costs that were covered by the grant (any funds that are not used must be returned to INT at the end of the grant).

Will our final report be made public?

The report, or the summary, will be posted on the INT WPIF webpages.

Trustees' Meeting Dates

Thursday 21 November 2024

Thursday 20 March 2025

Thursday 10 July 2025


Information about INT